The completion of the Bent Creek construction team involved a thorough search for a clubhouse architect. At Bent Creek were dedicated to promoting an active lifestyle. Bent Tree Country Club 5201 Westgrove Drive Dallas, TX 75248 972-931-7326 Designers: Muirhead, Nugent & Foster Year Opened: 1972 Initiation Fee: $75,000 Monthly Dues: $1,100 Greens: Bent Equity Club: Yes General Manager: Dan Burkett Director of Golf: Danny Coughlan Membership Director: Lisa Heward Brook Hollow Golf Club ** CANCELLATIONS: If you no-show or fail to cancel a reservation (any number of players) within 24 hours of the reservation, you may be subject to a cancellation fee as much as the entire cost of the reservation. Not far from Eden Prairie, Bent Creek Golf Club offers terrific views and challenging play for golfers at every skill level. 2022 RSM Classic - Monday #1. 14490 Valley View Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Bermuda Dunes was home to the Bob hope classic for 49 years. In late 2018 we acquired Pauma Valley Country Club. Copyright 2023. It is a spectacular member only golf club with breathtaking views. As a result, the greens werent really fast. body,.et_pb_column_1_2 .et_quote_content blockquote cite,.et_pb_column_1_2 .et_link_content a.et_link_main_url,.et_pb_column_1_3 .et_quote_content blockquote cite,.et_pb_column_3_8 .et_quote_content blockquote cite,.et_pb_column_1_4 .et_quote_content blockquote cite,.et_pb_blog_grid .et_quote_content blockquote cite,.et_pb_column_1_3 .et_link_content a.et_link_main_url,.et_pb_column_3_8 .et_link_content a.et_link_main_url,.et_pb_column_1_4 .et_link_content a.et_link_main_url,.et_pb_blog_grid .et_link_content a.et_link_main_url,body .et_pb_bg_layout_light .et_pb_post p,body .et_pb_bg_layout_dark .et_pb_post p{font-size:18px}.et_pb_slide_content,.et_pb_best_value{font-size:20px}body{line-height:1.8em}#main-header .nav li ul{background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.99)}.nav li ul{border-color:#ffffff}.et_secondary_nav_enabled #page-container #top-header{background-color:#003306!important}#et-secondary-nav li 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No Restrictions. NOTICE: We begin our Green Aerification process on Monday, March 20, 2023 at 12:00PM. Bent Brook opened in 1988 and quickly claimed its spot among the premier golf courses in central Alabama. Following the ninth hole, youll take a tunnel under and across a busy street to the tenth tee. Long hitters may reach a marshy area right of the fairway that cannot be seen from the tee box. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Our golf shop features the latest in apparel, accessories, and equipment from the top manufacturers. Exclusive golf course information, specifications and golf course details at Bent Creek Golf Club. Copyright 2020 Bent Creek Golf Course All Rights Reserved, First Responders (currently licensed law enforcement, fire fighters, nurses and doctors), Children without valid drivers license or learners permit when playing with paying adult (twilight only). Water lurks left and long, so any miss should be right or short. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Included in this membership are these additional benefits: 16 day advance tee times This membership provides you with access to all the Club's facilities and amenities which include the 18-hole Championship golf course (Limited to 7 18-hole rounds in season), full access to tennis courts, swimming pool, fitness center, clubhouse, dining rooms and all social events. Length 6320 yards Our experienced staff also will help you with gift selections, gift certificate purchases, and tournament-prize selections. 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Sample Diversity And Inclusion Budget, Troy Simons Pastor, Greenwich Capital Group Internship, Articles B