But need an outline of what to do, start to finish. To the extent that Plaintiff is seeking to pursue any state-law claims, the Court declines to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over those claims. Please who is the attorney in California fight against cps and win?? See Robinson v. Child Protective Servs., No. Attorney Sondra S. Sutherland was co-counsel. She was admitted to CHOC. Strader is apparently Peterson's daughter. See Fed.R.Civ.P. When he came home his six year old boy had gone missing. Background: My child was removed from my care because of domestic violence which occurred between my sons father and myself. Orange County Jury finds Orange County, its CPS workers and the Department of Social Services agency liable to mother for $4.9 million in compensatory damages for constitutional rights violations arising from interference with association with children. I would like to do a follow up story, can someone help. But i am STILL fighting. A couple months prior to that I moved to Northern California to get away from the drama between me and the mother. CPS Causes Horrendous Stress and TRAUMA, and Americans Should PAY for Harming Families This Way California: Verdict Against CPS for 4.9 Million! Most family law attorneys offer a free initial consultation. In Cheung, 906 F.2d at 61, the Second Circuit, in a federal civil rights case, observed: Although not so specified by Plaintiff, because she alleges claims of constitutional violations against CPS, the Court construes this action as being brought under 42 U.S.C. What is so crazy is that no matter what you do DCFS here in California or atleast in los angeles is one of the most powerful and corruption state organizations. Thats disappointing I hope you get your babies back. United States District Court, W.D. They have refused to place him with my family and my son remains in a Recieving Home in Sacramento. Court order visits I have so much recordings of email text audio of all the lies please help me please my children do not deserve this at 1 2v3 and 11 they are givibg up hope and are deteriorating constantly sick and dirty they were potty trained now they wear diapers they talked and are very advanced in all programs I had them participate in before cos got involved in my famlies life now the social workers says my 1 yr old is developmentally delayed because she refuses to talk to them and only cries my kids are very close to each other very close bonds and relationship they are always together but they have their own time and interest also they intentionally separated them saying they just wanted to always be with one another and that it shows they were not supervised and that in mentally unstable that my kids are to advanced and too smart and independent please help they say Im not taking psychiatric medication but havent been prescribed psychiatric medication they served me with a neglect warrant ssying I have no food shelter or clothing but we stayed in a family shelter Ive filed complaints a gov tort talked to ombudsmen person supervisors division mgs directors and no one is doing anything but telling me to be quiet and just wait these people are breaking the law fabricating reports and false allegations discrimination false imprisonment violating our civil rights commuting pujury conspiracy and so much more you have to help us please please ive document everthing recorded everything witnesses please someone please help I can prove everything, We are grandparents whos grandchildren were taken from our care ie foster care . You would probably need the kids to say they want to live with their mom and now that youve called CPS they may be angry at her! So my son was scared worried We both had no idea where she was taken. Plaintiff alleges that she has had "several encounters with false claims and this was another form of harassment and intimidation." That creates two incentives. Accordingly, Plaintiff's claim against CPS will be dismissed for failure to state a claim upon which relief may be granted. Why do we let CPS take our tax money and do harm to our kids and destroy our feeling in front of our kids? Im not sure what county your case is in but mine is in San Joaquin county. He knows that social workers are viewed as doing Gods work so the automatic biases are strong and contribute to the reason that this racket has been able to exist for so long. I just dont know who can help or who is willing to help. and if so can you point me in the right direction please I miss my grand babies so so very much. v. Metcalf Eddy, Inc., 506 U.S. 139, 146 (1993); Pennhurst State Sch. These witch hunters need to be stopped! I have been fighting CPS since 2013. I hope and pray the best for you! Yes please. I am going through the same situation. The kids were place in Orangewood Childrens Home for a month, then in a foster home for two months. McQueen v. Beecher Cmty. If you would like more feedback on your case youre welcome to join us on the message board: http://forum.fightcps.com. WebCPS Case Law Beltran v. Santa Clara County, 514 F.3d 906, (9th Cir. Judy, why dont you publish your journals? For an emailed notificationof new articles,enter your email address here: Copyright 2023 Linda Jo Martin, site owner, By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. It is the way I start my day off right, so I can be happy while Im doing my work. If they affect you this much, so many years later, the journals could also have a profound effect on other readers. He warns parents to not trust social workers, police, or anyone really in the government claiming to be protecting children. She avers that she has had several encounters with false claims and this was a form of harassment and intimidation. A mothers cry.. Its pretty sad when you have to see your 4 year old going through A RAPE KIT and a CPS worker threatning you. McMillan says We should all be out of business with the first big win. But they are not. it took a long time to pull through all of this. Benjamin email me robund629[at]gmail.com, If you are in Arizona they havebaby court if child is under three they have six months to either adopt out or give back. Also I got this note from Attorney Sondra S. Sutherland on another site (Gather.Com) about a similar article I wrote there: I wanted to point out an inaccuracy in the article. I really want to see my son. 1991). Trish, I have had my share of battles with Cps myself .. In 1996, My daughter and I were separated for 10 years by CPS. I desperately need help! Plaintiff used a court-supplied general complaint form to initiate this lawsuit. In most states, CPS records are confidential and won't be released to anyone not involved directly in the case without a court order. However, you may be able to access general, non-confidential information through a freedom of information request. [7] When they showed up at my house..I let them in and access to all 4 of my kids as she told me it was mandatory. The parents now have joint custody. 2003). WebWhen a report of suspected child abuse, child neglect, exploitation or abandonment is received by the department of social services, CPS conducts an investigation which can include talking with the child and arranging for a medical or psychological examination. This is all for truency. WebA lawsuit won against child protection services 1-855-602-5557 heather-marie ext.102 Another Lawsuit Win,Victory for Pro-se Litigant suing New Jersey DYFS,Caseworker,DCPP We have a number of paid and free services designed to assist pro se parents in getting the maximum protection for their parental rights and for their child. Research and get knowledge about everything you can. 2005) (quoting Bass v. Robinson, 167 F.3d 1041, 1048 (6th Cir. Plaintiff, therefore, fails to state a claim for relief against CPS. Yes yes and yes again! Thats why it is a great idea to get an attorneys help as they would know more about whats normal in your area and could have some good advice. Many thanks. The middle child spent 4 weeks in adolescent behavior health, we took her there per advice of CPS, after the second report of abuse. If you dont know your rights they are no good to you. Services and its CPS Workers; Punitive Damages to Follow. You can change personal information like names. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Now I am being told that they may not place him with me because I have too much access to my daughter. Your email address will not be published. However, Strader did not sign the complaint. San Diego Lawyer Shawn A. McMillan, of the Law Offices of Shawn A. McMillan, was trial counsel in the case. Please PLEASE contact me at gshelpinghands2020 at yahoo.com. CPS system is a devil system it should be changed and stopped immediately, not benefit for American family. Asking for an accurate medical diagnosis should be standard policy for CPS. My kids were stolen from me and I told the truth and followed the plans. When a child is said to be neglected, the parent or guardian fails to provide for a childs needs, such as adequate food, shelter, health care, or education. Therefore, the claim against CPS is also barred by the Eleventh Amendment. I lost my daughter to her abuser. IF YOUR READY FOR THIS, MY CHILDREN WERE GIVEN TO A MALE FAMILY MEMBER WHO WILL NOT PERMIT ME TO SEE THEM, WHEN HE FEELS LIKE IT? You can ask the county clerk for help locating cases. For the reasons that follow, the instant action will be dismissed. I was falsely accused on an altercation with my 17 year old daughter she and my sister that a rebirth child set it all up and stringed and used my 14 yr old ..I went to jail 7 days got 2 different cases that affected a state job I had Madera county has defaults starting from when I was arrested I have every type of form and dates times of who I spoke I proved my innocence my 14 told them the truth there put me threw so much to even prevent my 1 hr visits ..they talk foul to me I have there texts ..they want to expire my case and give them for adoption ..if I only need which way to go about to get the media my referrals were being incomplete for more than a yr the judge new his words were call the cops office to get it fix never did they do till 18 months later Madera county stayed there take full responsibility and still want take my 14 yr old ..my sister a rebirth child Madera has made it possible for us to be separated and know my 14 yr old is built in her mind its me when cps is doing this Ive done everything ok be to do when I could if had done 18 months ago ..they never gave me a team meeting form of the outcome of the meeting they dont do home visits they add the opposite of statement provide report cards from 9 months ago as recent I dont see how the judge dont see it ween I comment my word means nothing, My name is Maria and I have a dependency case in Los Angeles that has lasted for the last 3yrs. My son was being targeted in school, harassed by yard duty and pushed out of school. Of course, they did nothing! DCFS slipped up=====big time. 7, 2010). The County of Los Angeles settled a civil rights action brought by the grandparents of two minors for the warrantless removal of the children from their home in violation of the familys constitutional rights to familial association free from unwarranted government interference. Ms. Fogarty-Hardwick alleged that social workers Marcie Vreeken, Elaine Wilkins, and Helen Dwojak caused Ms. Fogarty-Hardwicks children to be removed from her custody without cause, and continued to detain them without cause, violating Ms. Fogarty-Harwicks Constitutional right to familial association. I feel itd a set up until the court date? . I have been through this nightmare. The Problems of CPS Injustice Child Protective Services, CPS, has devastated and destroyed hundreds of thousands of families in America during the last forty-four years since CAPTA was made a law in 1973, leaving a trail of broken hearts, broken dreams, and shattered childhoods. And yes my parental rights were terminated. They made up horrible lies just because I was ready to go home rest had been completed every thing I asked before I had tried to walk out and request they discharge us . 7seven5-four55-63nine4, My son was kidnapped by Cps in San Mateo County I was in Los Angeles before that. { HELP WITH CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEYS IN GEORGIA PLZ }, { You worked for them for 24 years, meaning you did horrific things to earn a living and you want to play victim? dont give up i will tell you that their is rules and regulations and they have to follow them to the law goes for anyone and if you are right study all your rights and read every report dont rely on anyone else ask questions stand up for your and your sons rights it dont cost money but its allot of time but its worth it to find out the truth and to file documents yourself study. We will craft custom strategies for any new resistance you may experience. I dont trust CPS workers with samples, really, as Ive heard of some cases where false positives were probably generated by the CPS workers themselves. Shawn A. McMillan, Esq. i wroute it all down so i would not forget what was said and who or why they did that My son was 14mnths when taking its now been 5mnths. Caseworkers failed to inform the court that the children were emotionally distressed by being separated from their parents, and refused to place them with relatives, whose Kinship Care rights should have been honored, and intentionally misinformed the court. Even though he is as much Grandpa and I am Grandma in our grandsons eyes. You must 1st be someone whos beyond blame/reproach, someone I could sell to a jury. Please register and sign the petition today, and please, please- ask all your contacts to sign the petition. THEIR PHONES WERE TAKEN AWAY.PRIOR TO THAT THE FOSTER CAREGIVER, PROVIDED NO HEAT, DID NOT COMB THEIR HAIR, PERMITTED THEM TO WALK TO SCHOOL ALTHOUGH, THEY OWNED SIX CARS COMPLIMENTS OF FOSTER CHILDREN, PULLED ON MY BABYS ARM TO DO THINGS HER WAY, THE FEMALE, MADE THEM ATTEND A CHURCH, WHERE THE CHILDREN DIDNT UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE, DCFS COULD NOT REACH THEM, BUT THAT WAS O.K. Do not mention anyone else's name. If the judge had continued the trial one more time the judge would have lost jurisdiction over the case. They cancel set visiting times at last minute,my son has had 4 ear infections since. Whats ur email please When it was proven I was not, I was asked to sign a treatment plan that wanted me to accept responsibility for abuses I didnt commit and seek treatment for disorders I do not have. I married a man with 3 children. Children seized w/o warrant. Im willing to take a follicle test but the judge will not consider it, Im pregnant due anyday also willing to take a mecomium test on the baby. My advice is to live close to your daughters so they can seek you out, and keep asking for visitation. Entering or searching your house without In Pro Per Complaint Against CPS Contact Your State Legislator For Help You can google him and he will be online. Email me at [emailprotected] or stay posted for more details. We have documented the deep, imbedded corruption in the social services agencies in California. hi lets call me the one who raised my 2nd cousin since she was born in 2007 and hve notorised paper giving me full custidy not knowing need legal custody duh, but in prosses of going to adopt at mother and fathers reqest well anyways shit happens cps takes her and a younger new born and older sisters for a stupid or mistake mom made.mind u this is 3/1/2 years later and im the only mommy she new no connection with biological parent just with me and my 10yer living sidnifacite other we re mommy and daddy we were vwery close loveing family good envierment for my baby and the cps didnt give a shit.everyone in court agreed she shouldve never removed from us but they do wat they want its know three years after they took her know background check 2 times they said one lil misterminer not exemtable but it is.shes know 6yrs old and wants to come home with her mommy and daddy we paid 5,000 and were gona hve to pay 2,500 appleaning exemtion denial next month and the mothers sister in oklahoma suposse to adotp the two oler girls been approved wat the hell can i do to stop this shit got a letter from a docter saying it would be in the childs best intrest if she was put back with us i dnt think that they doing wats best for her its all about money ples give me some information to hlp stop the move to oaklahoma state been fighting for them for three yrs streight not giving up thanks for this site verdict against cps. 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