I like this new group and their message about this whole ordeal: http://cascoalition.org/. Ugh, how vile. He responded by calling her a bitch and a prude, and saying, You know you liked it. She blocked his number. That is degrading to both sexes. BUT. And meanwhile, you get a certain thrill from seeing that now youve unleashed his passion and he DOES love you a la folie. And I did end up seeing that friar once for counselling but he activated several gut feelings to stay away, and so I did. For the record, my first year of university was spent at a secular institution in mixed accommodation with no regulations on behaviour between the sexes. Oops. That is not the case at all with rape. hope youve finally found happiness as well. Class of '13 here, BA in History, Magna cum Laude. Gigi, when I dated a man who attended Christendom, we had extended conversations about the philosophy of human nature that led one of the professors to conclude that, among other things, (a) women are ontologically inferior to men and (b) women shouldnt vote. My condolences for all the victims. I had seen already something was wrong, something had happened, Foeckler said. Christendoms 86-hour core curriculum of carefully selected subjects required for all of its undergraduate students prepares its students for their role as lay apostles. They should be able to express themselves romantically in a public setting, which is a safer setting to learn how to navigate as a couple. Most couples are friends of other couples and all hang out together both on campus and off campus. Frankly I think you have misused a term that is quite affectionate.school is a place to learn and at this particular school it is a place to strengthen ones faith. Similar to the reasonings at Hillsdale College, Carroll believed that the government might eventually intrude on Christendom's academic and religious freedom.[4]. Its hard to explain why my GPA is so poor.. Oh my gosh. That's no coincidence. "[25], Over the years, the college has also received praise from political leaders in the United States. It is a Catholic college. Because what you have doesnt pass the smell test. [36] He has had no interaction with the school since 2015, the college said in an interview with the Northern Virginia Daily, adding that Luckeys relationship with the school would not continue. The other allegations against him were also by hearsay, and they put those allegations in writing and asked him to defend himself. Students are prohibited from doing something reasonable on campus. The college had no policy on sexual assault? Rights to a speedy trial. This is an insane accusation and was never the case, as students have stated. In addition, the article didnt clarify that the college has gotten rid of many of the policies and rules that are being blamed in this article for the assaults (e.g., the no-holding hands rule was jettisoned a while ago). I remember this clearly from my own dating daysin your head your thinking I dont want to have sex, but gosh, Im attracted to him right now and I dont want to stop! I was absolutely torn in two. Smith, who was then a sophomore, says she was so naive, she didnt even know to use the word rape until many months later. She was not treated properly from a Catholic perspective nor from an institutional perspective. Men have the ability to take custody of their thoughts and control their actions regardless of any other circumstance. The College offers two/three daily Masses; daily Confession, Rosary, and Eucharistic adoration; and celebrates together many liturgical and cultural feasts. is buddy allen married. nor were the other women I know who hung out with them. Smith does not remember getting dressed after the rape. 1) Paint a picture of the college not doing crap to help victims. Or are you saying that governmental control might make this sinful/violent act not happen. Our time-tested integrated liberal arts education is the ideal education for the future. This subreddit is for any and all ex-Catholics to talk, educate, discuss and maybe even bitch about their experiences within the Catholic Church. Within a month of the fundraiser's launch, roughly 70%, or $28 million, had been raised for the campaign. If it was patently false, the college would have grounds for a law suit. If you think this article was largely about how the dorm set up is responsible for this rape, you didnt read the whole article. The reporting alleges/implies that young women arent safe at Christendom, that the university has an ongoing culture of assault and harassment toward women which is accepted by the community, and that the University doesnt help women who have been raped. What in this story is inaccurate? Are you joking? #2. letter kind of reminds me of sessions of my 8th grade social dancing classes Open your eyes; the inward and the outward ones, Simcha, and realize that the secular law will never be more then a band-aid for these types of crimes with a festering wound underneath. A week later, in a letter dated May 23, 2011, President ODonnell responded. Christendom offered a bulleted list of things they have done which were not reported on by the Fishers, implying that this is basically a smear campaign which is only willing to report on one side of the story. Discouraged, Smith hesitated, then eventually called law enforcement rangers and met with them at Shenandoah National Park. I felt him, she said. They had to drive. Hes not going to fall for that. Unfortunately we cant actually know if Christendom is safer when they dont even write down that there was an allegation. That is exactly what you are saying, men cant control themselves so woman have to. The River and the drinking that occurs there is an open secret that the administration is aware of. Most didnt know what was going on or how to handle me but at least they tried to hold out their hand. [20][circular reference] When meeting with College President Dr. Timothy O'Donnell and founder Dr. Warren Carroll in 1991, John Paul II told Carroll that Christendom College is doing a great work for the Church.[21], Pope Benedict XVI also gave his endorsement to Christendom College, saying, I am well aware of the distinguished record of Christendom College and of the outstanding contribution which it has made to Catholic life in the United States. Not sure you thought through what you wrote at all and how that would affect rape victims. In The Sin of White Supremacy: Christianity, Racism and Religious Diversity in America (Orbis, 2017), Jeannine Hill Fletcher, Ph.D., professor of theology, examines theology's culpability in perpetuating ideas that elevate both Christianity and whiteness over all else. Dr. Timothy T. ODonnell The entire town is PDA-rule-free. Simcha does that, see? Gross inaccuracies in the story include quoting someone as saying men and women arent allowed to even sit next to each other. He told me he was often bothered by the question about the purpose of satan's existence as a specifically troubling version of the problem of evil. Can we PLEASE stop framing this as something between women and men and acknowledge that assault and coercion also happen between men and between women, as well as from women to men? A school cannot beyond a shadow of a doubt prevent rape, but you can reduce the risk of it, and one of the key arguments in this piece is that excessively strict PDA rules result in private, remote areas being the normal location for healthy romantic affection. The result might have been the same, but at least it would have shown that the college took the accusation seriously and were willing to go the distance to see justice be done. Enjoy a visit to the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia! christendom college racism Since 1977, Christendom has been providing the best Catholic liberal arts education to prepare students to restore all things in Christ. Under her tenure, the graduate school began offering M.A. If he was accused again in the future, the record would help support that accusation. My sympathies. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Im glad to see Christendom has made some changes and I certainly hope it will continue to educate its students and do all they can do to minister to needs and address wrongs. However, Im not sure the reporting here accurately reflects of the issues at Christendom, and it certainly doesnt lay out anything that can be done to improve conditions for future students, as the few things suggested have already been implemented. His career and family may well be affected by that casual reference. Marshner has since left Christendom. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. They have pointed to several problem areas that are not yet fixed. Bear in mind I never heard of anybody calling security if they were at a party in South Bend that got out of handbut I didnt run in very party-like circles. Smith says the school claimed it takes a long time to implement changes in school policy. Racism among white Christians is higher than among the nonreligious. If that happens, hopefully the young lady will have a CRKT S.P.E.W. Theyre usually published in any article Ive ever read regarding assault. At first she didnt want to allow that word, and grew defensive, blaming herself for the assault. Because Christendom is in a rural, isolated spot with few restaurants, clubs, museums or theaters, going off campus generally means going into the woods or into a field. He then began approaching and provoking her on campus. Returning later, I was surprised how much more town there was than I was familiar with. The exhilaration is so much that you cant think straight, you get dizzy. Risk Management: Wyoming Catholic College to Decline Federal - NCR Criticize them for taking a long time. If you read the original article, it was clear that the school failed on many counts to do what an institution that claims to be Catholic should have done. It seems to me that thats why they hit him with that. The reports indicate that Adele Smith indicated, after a prior incident with you, that she no longer wanted a relationship with you. You are right, men do absolutely do have that ability to control themselves. Our Staff - Christendom College Purity more and more asks for a heroic virtue. The students views, whether they arrived with them or picked them up at Christendom, were wildly sexist both men and women. Along with converting I made friends with a bunch of conservative catholics (not trads, but your typical intellectual ratzinger fan types). That takes a lot of strength to write to them like that. Mary Statue By AgnosticPreachersKid (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (. The other students were friendly and contributed to a comfy atmosphere (though I say this as someone who earnestly tried to be a good rule-following Catholic; if you were closeted LGBTQ+, for instance, I'd imagine it was a lot less comfy). Probably liability reasons. Campus Reform the #1 Source for College News Its not that a policy would prevent the problem but rather that it would provide grounds for discipline within the schools jurisdiction. Is the suggestion that Christendom should act in the place of the police, even without evidence of the rape? ok, but what evidence did the college have that he did? It took about a month to find a solution, which given the resources for the investigation, makes perfect sense considering theyre not a team of forensic scientists with knowledge of legal prosecutions. I propose for your consideration numerous scenarios of young women and men wherein even if the woman is saying no with her voice, her body language is communicating something entirely different. RAs are now trained in responding to and reporting sexual harassment or assault. There were crazy people, there were priests who dispensed truly awful guidance in spiritual direction. The school has a very thorough policy in place, and anyway, this was not in Christendoms jurisdiction, so their hands were legally tied in their dealings regarding the actual rape. Christendom College | Flickr Catholics are sinners just like everyone else. I went to a small Catholic school in the 80s and knew all students there did not live up to the standards of the college or the faith. Or going to the county if the town is not addressing it? Another tangential point: I dont understand the outrage communicated by so many that the standards for women are so much higher than the one for men, and that a great amount of responsibility rests on our shoulders to keep men chaste. Her grades continued to be low for the rest of her junior year. Another student instructed you to leave her alone but you continued. But what jumps out at me is that this happened not because of following the colleges policies, but because of disregarding them. Hes the one who lives in fear of me and my devious feminine allurements, right? And the sexist views of some professors didnt help us stay safe. Her article makes plenty of sense. Not as well as I would have liked, but it was punished. #4. do we know/ do you know who is funding CC??? What an incredible witness to the faith! It isnt nebulous. Bishop Finn of Kansas City was convicted for failing to report suspected child abuse because he HESITATED to report it. The young man left Christendom in Smiths senior year. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So despite all their classes and aves and skirts they are going to burn with Luther. If it was truly necessary that students seek sexual/affection outlets, then I dont blame Cdom for wanting to have no part in policing or monitoring, how far is too far. Chastity is their moral prerogative and they would rather err on the side of caution than participate. Protected: Podcast #16: Reporticus Shutupicus! Racism among white Christians is higher than among the nonreligious [2] It still occupies this site today. #1 . She remembers standing outside the car, smoking a cigarette and shaking, and her boyfriend saying he didnt know why she was making such a big deal out of it. Question: are the writers christendom 2020 and sophomore girl at Christendom the same girl/ writer? the letters read to indicate the same writer. Christendom is very diligent in making sure that it provides a safe campus for the education of our students.. Sure, they could get threatened by the student with a lawsuit, but accusations of rape could then be brought up in court, and such accusations are much easier to prove in a civil suit, so there would be protection for the college. Andrew, Omigosh. Real piece of work. This article smacks of a smear job, and there are so many lies and misrepresentations in this article, I dont even know where to begin. I went there to study with him, not go to Franciscan so much. She will do all she can to honor your requests and make your experience with Christendom College a pleasant and memorable one. You use false logic and your pen is sadly misdirected this time. Perhaps they did mention it. There is much that reeks of shoddy reporting in these two pieces: basically only one side was presented when the facts were right in front of the Fishers (e.g., through the current student handbook and interviewees). Could the students be provided with more places to hang out together in small groups? Meanwhile, these suggestions that its the no PDA policy thats to blame, really is bizarrely pseudo Freudian. What did happen on campus was punished. There is a french expression a la folie; when you love someone a la folie, it means you love them to the point of madness. I can tell you personally when I read the hand holding policy I thought it was a paper rule, I had no idea the lengths of its enforcement. Are women safe in Christendoms bubble? I dont know what the contents of the interview between the college and the perp are. When I was in the middle school (age 12-15 in my country), there was that one super religious girl in my class. I know even as a young adult my guard was down, and I was vulnerable, as are so many others, especially when we have no reason not to be trusting. If we want to read that sort of thing, well buy cheap romance novels. Now the students may be less prepared for rape, rape that happens off campus(like a clean house doesnt prepare a person for germs), due to their sheltered background, but thats not exactly the schools fault. You described lust and difficulty mastering it. It makes it hard for a young woman to keep herself safe if *all* the places where a date might happen are private. The men with whom I interact at school have consistently shown me respect whether it be through opening doors for me, saying good morning, supporting my academic pursuits, or courteously taking part in a discussion. Should rapists be burned at the stake without incontrovertible evidence? Now, perhaps well-meaning couples end up going farther in private than they would if they could kiss in public, but were not talking about well-meaning couples, were talking about rapists and victims. If law enforcement is not protecting its students (or at least diligently investigating student claims of assault), Christendom should be making a great effort to effect change. yes! I understand the VP actually said Title IX prevented them from speaking out. The only thing that will stop him is a clear splash of water in the face, a no different that all the others, or getting out of the car and running away. After all, how is this no different from the one you whispered 20 minutes ago when his hand brushed your breast and you were actually pleased, but you said no because you knew it should stop? Feminist =Baal worshipper. Never mind the mental health agony I endured in thinking I had brought on myself same-sex erotic involvement. And so on. We care if you drink off campus, but not if you rape off campus, she said. Justice, and not just criminal secular justice, but justice from our institutions, is a part of Catholic moral theology. My legs were tightly closed. The basement of the admissions office (a building which, Im pretty sure, is condemned but still functions as an office despite the dangers) had a breaker room in the back behind 2 locked doors. Christendom College offers an amazing Liberal Arts education that is immersed in the Catholic Faith. But it took me a second to realize what was happening. Accordingly, its students have less recourse when the schools policies drastically fail to adequately protect them against such assaults. I always find it interesting they always try to punish students for drinking off campus, if you come back to campus drunk, Smith said. It would do a lot to restore peoples faith in the institution. The guilt I still carry from a year there was crushing - it was constant write ups for dress code, curfew violations because of my off campus job etc. The fact that students are taught that men can not say no and are nothing less than animals is degrading to the male gender and puts all responsibility on the woman without holding men accountable. Ill be brief, and in no particular order, but: Let your no mean no and your yes mean yes. Its not a matter of my comfort. Its a matter of seeking the common good. BUT you say it with a sigh and throw your head back the man interprets it all as an indication that you actually want him to keep going. As a graduate of Christendom, I see no reason why he couldnt have been expelled. While this student should have somehow received better care, and more protection from this guy later, and while her story is heartrending, it should not be published in an article whose objective is obviously to smear the college and all the good for which it stands. states that have laws saying Dont rape people. Exactly. Now with thoughts regarding sexual assault, I dont think it bad for a school to have a policy, but the presumption that that must mean they condone it, or dont care about it, isnt realistic. we have reports that indicate that you have violated the Code of Student Conduct by harassing another student Another student instructed you to leave her alone but you continued. Quick Facts at a Glance - Christendom College Christendom is not perfect, as far as I can tell, they are doing the best they can to foster an environment of spiritual and educational growth. Curious. Ive seen way too many crises in my time, where people just went on acting as if nothing happened, not because they didnt care, but because its all they knew how to do and werent really able to fathom it, much less solve it. In the example, they decide to fornicate, but then the young woman regrets her choice, and decides to claim the young man attacked her. For the unfamiliar, Christendom is a small conservative-Catholic liberal arts college in Front Royal, VA. Its intended mission is to equip Catholic students to 'restore all things in Christ' (though you can guess how well that turned out with me). )Total Undergraduates: 544 (from 45 States and 6 foreign countries)Male/Female Ratio:45:55, Freshman Standardized Test Scores:Average SAT score (out of 1600): 1270Average ACT score (out of 36): 27Average CLT score (out of 120): 89, Tuition: $28,500Room & Board:$12,150Required Fees: $1,020, Freshman Retention Rate: 85%Graduation Rate: 69% 4 years (2018-2022 average)% Courses with fewer than 20 students: 59%Student/Faculty Ratio:15:1% Courses Taught by Teaching Assistants:03 Most Popular Majors:History, Philosophy, Political Science% Students Living on Campus: 90%% Students receiving need-based financial aid:55%% Students receiving need-based or merit-based aid: 80%Acceptance Rate: 77%Yield Rate: 50%. I would go down the road to the convenience store, and hed be sitting outside, and I couldnt walk in. This is not degrading but a call to heroism on both sides. They explained to her that a prosecutor would take her case, but that the chances of going to trial, much less of the young man being prosecuted, were very low.
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