Otherwise, they retaina rather rough, cobbled-together appearance.You can also use scroungecraft to repair brokenequipment, provided you have the materialson hand. This has grantedhedges special magical gifts, such as the ability to speak withthe smallest ground-dwelling creatures in the Wood, andthe power to cause flowers to bloom. You are adept at hunting at night. garrisons in times of crisis, and the birdfolk militias keeping the roads safe for merchant caravans, the Wood truly entered aTHE HUMBLEFOLK golden age. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. These subclasses, items and much, much more will be included in Hexbound, a 5th edition witchy supplement developed by Antonio Demico and published by Hit Point Press. At 6th level, you learn how to use your stance to chainyour attacks together in deadly combination. Furthermore, Hedges can take an action to roll themselves into a ball, increasing their AC to 19. you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. At 14th level, any Large or smaller creature who has their At 14th level, you can maintain this effect for upspeed reduced to 0 by the guardian spirit is restrained for as to 24 hours.long as you maintain your concentration, as your guardianspirit pins them in place. 1 I never back down from a challenge. variation of Sylvan script. The Tenders, an organization of druids and mystics, dedicate themselves to healing the Scorched Grove with natural magics. Cervans are eminently practicalaway future. Lumas are smaller way, allowing them to see possibilities others cannot.than most birdfolk, and resemble either doves or pigeons.Many have ruffs of feathers that shine with unique iridescent These inherent talents, sometimes dismissed as luck, can becolors, something which can be seen as either alluring or improved upon with training and study. Your Charisma score increases by 2. Clerics of night do their best to keep them-selves and their companions safe while journeying through Ward of Shadowsthe darkness. Hedges who dwell outside of the birdfolk cities preferto live in individual burrows under the great roots of trees.Communities of hedges enjoy living surrounded by nature,near clearings within the forest or lone copses. A market in Humblewood. While doing so, you continue to fall increases by 1.gently at a speed of 60 feet per round, taking no fall damagewhen you land. Sorry, should have clarified I was onlycommenting on the 3rd levelto start with, didn't have time for the full video. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 13Gallus one with the wood The gallus commonly dwell in small, familial commu- they also encompass a variety of weights, but most averagenities as opposed to the grand perches of the Wood. I'm unclear on how this is actually intended to be used? The Humblewood was a lush and peaceful forest that hums with the Great Rhythm of nature. Compared to Auran, the other dialects ofPrimordial sound stilted or broken to birdfolk. [OCC - Humblewood Campaign - Adventure in the Wood | Humblewood I am beyond excited for you all to take your first steps into this world, uncover some of its secretsduring your adventures, experience its stories, and come away with many of your own stories to tell!Leesha Hannigan,Art DirectorTwitter: @LeeshaHannigan Preface 7Introduction about the wood In the far away world of Everden, on the eastern coast of a great continent, lies a vast forest nestled between the mountains and the sea. If you have no uses of this ability at the beginning of combat on your turn, you regain one use of it. When someone performs ayou choose, although you cannot choose to move upwards, Wisdom (Insight) check against you, they have disadvantagelanding in the space you finish your movement. College of the Road Bard Subclass Review (Humblewood) - YouTube Additionally, you have advantage on Strengthfor superiority, strigs use their immense strength and stamina (Athletics) checks made to climb any surface your talons couldto endure even the most punishing assault. Antlers. Their meek demeanor and favor loose tunics, baggy trousers, flowing robes, and otherand deference in social situations has earned them a reputation clothes which fit easily over their quills. Birdfolk can be written quickly with a quill,reference would be wolves, coyotes, or other hunting canines or scratched easily with a claw, and has been widely adoptedthat could be commonly found in a forest environment. Infamy At 15th level, your reputation precedes you, making it easy for you to strike fear into the hearts of anyone foolish enough to oppose you. One of the reasons cervans form such close-knit communi-ties is a mistrust of outsiders. Holly Conrad Twitter: @HollyConrad Twitch: @commanderholly6 ForewordPreface by leesha hannigan When approaching the art direction for Humblewood, I wanted to express that this is a worldfull of vibrant, diverse characters, living in an expansive forest with a rich and intricate history. Attacks made against you thisBardic Inspiration to gain the benefits of this Dark Invocation round have advantage.for 10 minutes. Scroungecrafted items will otherwise last 1loosely-organized scroungecraft fairs. Our jobs are time consuming, our lives are hard and complicated, our food is grown in places we will never see and sits on a shelf for our consump- tion wrapped in plastic. Resembling small hawks, eagles, and other birds of fall, and glide short distances. Standing Leap. Were all doomed folk see you as quirky or unsettling. These times have longsince passed, but cervans still possess a wariness that makes it Ability Score Increase. Alignment. Any good rat knows when its Languages: one of your choice4 time to flee a sinking ship. While you are overlooked by the crowd, your Glide. They seem quite strong to me, maybe too much so. Your size is Small.dwarfed by nearly every kind of creature they encounter. We discuss the College of the Road Bard Subclass from the Humblewood Campaign Setting from Hit Point Press! Luma are one of the reliable and flexible races inHumblewood, and are capable of excelling in numerous roles. They make mighty reasonably grip.warriors, and whether defending their perch or braving theWood itself, strigs never shy away from a fight. Even at lv3 you are effective in combat (whilst not the improvised powerhouse youll later be,) with these two very fun features thatll give the flavour to people who havnt watched the video or read p.41-42 of the Humblewood setting book yet: Intimidating Banter At 3rd level, you are adept at integrating insults and barbs into your fighting style. 1 I am considered weak or unskilled and many treat me like a fledgling.2 I stole something valuable from the Captain of my unit. Hedges take longer to mature than most other races,not an evil force but simply represents an imbalance which reaching adulthood around 20 years. Rela- tions between the humblefolk and birdfolk are tense. a hostile creature that is Large or smaller. Here familiar beasts grow to unusual sizes, bearing markings and patterns unique to the Wood. Humblewood Review. Jays, nutcrackers, and jackdaws well. You have proficiency with improvised weapons, and treat any improvised weapon you handle as if it has the finesse quality. You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk and Vulpin. They are insightful and empathetic, but not to the pointof being socially exploitable. The College of the Road of your choice (see Travelers Trick Options).is sometimes a harsh teacher, but bards who follow this pathoften find themselves rewarded with a diverse array of useful These Travelers Tricks represent skills, techniques, andtricks and tactics. Come and discover the mystery behind all the forest fires, is it the Bandit Coalition or something even more nefarious? This ability states that if an attack deals over half ofthe current remainingHP of a Cervan, they can choose to activate the ability, allowing them to roll 1D12 plus their constitution modifier, then gaining that much HP. As a huden gallus, you are of the land. Maguire Tree Care Inc in Moss Beach, CA | Photos | Reviews | 8 building permits. Vulpins mature at an average pace, and can becomparatively long-lived. Languages. tion from you, so long as you are on the same plane. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. You have a burrowing speed of15 feet. 3 I blindly trust in the power of my blessing.5 I seek out challenges to test myself. Humblewood is a 5E compatible setting of adorable birdfolk and forest critters, successfully kickstarted in 2019 by folks over at The Deck of Many Things. The stigma they piercing damage. Community might actually be on the weak side, but it is pretty flavorful and I think it'd be enjoyable to play. Ability Score Increase. Bykind of great bureaucracy, but as sacred traditions passed from spending 10 minutes, you may create a number of delicious,generation to generation. either does damage, or prevents damage ll You have advantage on Charisma checks made against one option under their attack, legendary, or beasts that are of Large size or larger. Whether or not Humblewood is able to survive the flames is up to you. When you successfully attack a targetwith your talons, you can choose to grapple thattarget as a bonus action.Swift Strig As a swift strig, you are a powerfulforce in the Wood who ranges far andwide without ever missing a step. Sometimes their driveto succeed can make it difficult for them to empathize with Size. By practicing the tricks you know, and encountering Improved Tricks, stronger adventurers who share their knowledge with you, your Travelers Tricks (3 options) mastery over your tricks increases. Humblewood Stretch Goals Tender Of The Scroched Grove ( Supplement) Add the number you roll on yourInvocation from the Warlocks list of class features for which Bardic Inspiration die + your Wisdom modifier (minimum ofyou meet the prerequisites. Ability Score Increase. Recent work: 2 oaks 1 pine. While they resemble animals, for an age.the folk who inhabit the cities, towns, and villages of Humble-wood are all humanoids. When in a forest, Strigs have advantage on stealth checks due to their natural camouflage, and also have advantage on climbing checks that allows Strigs to climb trees with ease. You have proficiencyin the Survival skill. go all in. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. (2d4) lb.Corvum 4'4" +2d10 70 lb. You gain the following benefits:ll You no longer need to move at least 10 feet to perform ll Increase your Dexterity score by 1. ll When a creature fails a melee attack roll against you in long and high jumps. (2d4) lb.32 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodCervan Hedge Cervan characters could be imagined as elk, moose, or While inspired by hedgehogs, having a hedge characterantelopes. 4 I am overly concerned about how others see me.6 I am better than everyone else. I'm playing college of the road and it sucks as hell, having to waste inspiration die to use core abilities of the class. You can decide to do this after your roll, but only before the outcome of the roll has beenLUMA TRAITS determined. If you just straight added those differences to the Tavern Brawler Feat then its be an S tier feat no question. just cant.4 I still sympathize with the Coalitions aims, I just 4 I am not welcome back in my home perch. Using your feathered arms, you can slow yourfall, and glide short distances. I made the ones in the campaign book available, but not the Tender ones. The birdfolk races have ruled over Humblewood from their canopy villages and fortified cities for as long as anyone can remember. Maybe they'll have a story of their own to tell you, too. Ability Score Increase. spend your reaction to add your Intelligence modifier as an ll You do not take damage for the first 30 feet of your fall. Homebrew races - Bugs & Support - D&D Beyond They also favorserious conflict does arise, hedges who feel they have been truly neutral alignments, as hedges have a great respect for theand deeply wronged can close themselves off from the rest of balance of nature.their society, sometimes resulting in splits in a community. While they resemble animals. You cannot glide whilebelieve crucial for survival in the Wood. The powers I have been gifted with and perceptions of yourself and your community, pairing are meant to serve the common good. Additionally, theythat you are free to mix and match features or traits between pass information throughout the different camps of the organi-backgrounds. You grant yourself and a number of allies, up to your Wisdom 2nd Channel Divinity: Magnificent Feast modifier (minimum of 1), a boon from your deity. Your ability to utilize your knowl-edge to your advantage, along with your deep understandingof others motivations, makes you a formidable opponent. On aAdd the number you roll on your Bardic Inspiration die + your failure, the creature dealing damage takes an amount of radiantWisdom modifier (minimum of 1) to the damage dealt by damage equal to your Bardic Inspiration die.the spell. The ally can roll a d4 and add the number such that you can speak with the greenery of the forest itself.rolled to their next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. A seasoned fighter weave portion of your technique. Hexbound Teaser v2: An Introduction to Witchcraft (PDF) - Hit Point Press are familiar with the canopy. There is two subclasses of Cervan. You gain proficiencyin the Insight skill.Kindled Corvum As a kindled corvum, you know implicitly that you arethe smartest in the room. Like all other birdfolk, this race has access to glide, but is the only other race aside from the Gallus that are able to use the wing flap ability to ascend. Are they OP, UP, or neither? These things disconnect us from the story of nature, from the story of life and the changing of seasons and our connection to the world around us. They also keep an eye out for potential marks. Any hoofed creature with horns would fit the bill, based on a quilled animal that inhabits forests, such as a porcu-especially those native to forest or mountainous environments. Birdfolk who wish to become fluent in this dialect must writing by using a variant of Birdfolk alphabet. Withstand the searing heat of anemberbat swarm: a vortex of tiny flying creatures, each one a smouldering ember with wings! Your Charisma scoreincreases by 1. An experienced paladin instructed youmarked with an asterisk (*) are magical effects. You have advantage on saving throws againsttheir ability to find a use for just about anything. I just want to be free to live my own life, an outcast. They are a salt-of-the-earth sort of folk who believe in justice, the value of hardwork, and the importance of respecting others. You have proficiency in the Intimida-tion skill. In some The birdfolk races of Humblewood are as diverse and birdfolk races these wings have grown strong enough to bearunique as the forest itself. mum number each of the weapons damage dice could deal to the target. If an attack deals over half ofyour current remaining hit points in damage, (even if yourhit points are reduced to 0 by the attack) you immediatelyregain hit points equal to 1d12 + your Constitution Modifier.You cant use this feature again until you have completed along rest. Religion in the Wood 54 Bandits Attack 110 Finding the Necromancer 156The Amaranthine 54 Taking the Fight to Them 113 Susan the Seer 161 56 The Coming Storm The Crucible of Fire 162 Ardea 57 Approaching the 114 The Final Summons 167 Tyton 58 114 The Chase 169 Altus 59 Bandit Stronghold 115 Facing the Aspect 172 Clhuran 60 The Bandit Stronghold 117 Epilogue 174 Gesme 61 The Courtyard 117 Appendix A: Bestiary 177 Hanera 62 The Barracks 117 Reya 63 The Storeroom 118 Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters 190 Cairith 64 The Prison 120 Gaspard 65 The Inner Keep 122 Appendix C: Creating NPCs 210 Hath 66 The Bandit Leader Henwin 67 What the Future May Hold Appendix D: New Magic Items 213 Kren 68Tales of the Amaranthine Appendix E: Random Encounters 215 Appendix F: What did They Find? The strength of these emotions applies asmuch to positive feelings it does negative, meaning emotional Speed. While doing so, you continue to fall gentlyat a speed of 60 feet per round, taking no fall damage when20 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodSubrace. Expert Climbers. 7. Go forth and adventure! When you take the attack action,saving throw against an effect that would deal you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to quicklyhalf damage on a successful save, the target execute two unarmed strikes against one or more creaturestakes no damage instead. Brutal Brawler At 3rd level, your tavernside scuffles have honed your ability to deal damage with just about anything thats handy. Yet, since the Groves burning, the Wood has known relatively few fires. More- and 140 pounds. They tend to form Languages. Using every trick at theirdisposal to gain the upper hand against their foes, the Scoff-law cows their enemy into submission, or overwhelms theirdefenses with a single cheap shot. Domain of Night. Ive rescued birds since I was 10 and Ive worked with the smallest of hummingbirds to the massive moody, Red Tailed hawk named Ivan whose mew I cleaned in college. Each one is associated with a different class, and those Bind the Wound. I am starting a new humblewood campaign and I want to know what you guys think of the subclasses. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 17Raptor swift hunters When the birdfolk think of hunters or rangers, they picture Glide. Choose one of these subraces.Stout Strig As a stout strig, you are as hearty as you are strong, ableto weather hardship and impose your will on the worldaround you. Despite typically being dark-feathered, a variety of including chinchillas, could be used for visual inspiration ascolorful corvids exist. Seeds of Decay: The Woodkin (PDF) Freebies $0.00. Humblewood Review - Mephit James Blog Ability Score Increase. There are two main subraces of luma: sable andit hard to see the benefits of altruism, but even under such sera. believe theres a better way.5 My friends in the Coalition didnt understand why 5 I am viewed as an oddity, someone for others to I had to leave. I have had an affinity for nature and animals my entirelife, which has been my primary source of inspiration for much of my personal work. Age. (1d4) lb.Hedge 2'11" +2d6 30 lb. Opportunity attacks made against youare rolled with disadvantage.Pronghorn Cervan As a pronghorn cervan, you were bornlarger and stronger than others in thecommunity and found yourself laden withexpectations from a very young age. 4 Runner 2 I often crack jokes to lighten the mood. Few lumas live beyond 70 years. The birdfolk races of Humblewood are as diverse and unique as the forest itself. Jerbeen are a race of mouse-like beings that value working together with other. Mapachs stand between 4 and 5 feet tall, and encom-with a problem. Those who underestimate a bard from the useful pieces of knowledge picked up along the way. You can expend one use ofspell slot. We have illustrated forests flooded with beams of light, tangled and treacherousswamps you must battle your way through with determination, and cosy interiors where you canalmost smell the jerbeen-sized loaves baking in the oven. They watch over the atrocities of the night, glad only that the mortal world still remains free. Legends say there may even be a primal elemental force lurking within the Scorched Grove. Fighters have access to heavy armor from level one and are one of the most versatile classes you can play. Choose one of these subraces. The birdfolk are to newly-established birdfolk perches, though many foundwell-defended from outside threats thanks to the Perch Guard, birdfolk architecture to be restrictive for creatures withouta force of soldiers trained in both aerial and ground combat, wings. Their light builds usually lend themselvesto bodies that weigh far less than one would expect for theirheight, averaging around only 35 pounds. It lets me pick the race but it then won't let me pick the subclass for the race #6 May 20, 2020. . This innate bond with nature may alienate you from cityin your close-knit community has taught you how to inspire life, but you will always have a home within the more remoteothers and rally folks to a common cause. Age. Your Intelligence score Subrace. Some pass a variety of builds from svelt to wide, weighing betweenmay consider them brash, but mapachs know that opportu- 90 and 160 pounds. causes tension d8 Personality Trait 6 I am one with the wind. Scofflaw is a bit strong, but I don't think it's necessarily too strong. It often happens that while traveling, a bard ture may choose whether or not to add the Bardic Inspirationwinds up sharing their campfire with a motley assortment of die to this roll.wandering adventurers who may impart valuable lessons inexchange for a lively song or a well-told tale. making it a perfect starting point for new players. Corvum are an intelligent race of shrewd ravens and crows. All cervans possess a great tenacity andwill to survive, which allows them to bounce back from eventhe most devastating blows. Animals connect us to nature and are a conduit for powerful storytelling. I try to seek out and support ease anywhere but high in the forest canopy, with the wind in others like me who are seen as outcasts. While other birdfolk might look down on gallus fortheir common ways, the gallus have excellent interpersonalskills. (Neutral) Cynicism. When you reach 5th beacon of hope, spirit guardians 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8. I've only read through it but I was underwhelmed. Want updates?Join our Discord and chat with us! The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.ll Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier. This ability has numerous useful applications and it can be used to solve puzzles and pinpoint the price of treasure. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 47New Spells mystically mystifyingThe following spell lists show which spells can be cast by characters of each class.BARD SPELLS RANGER SPELLSCantrips (o Level) 1st LevelGust Barrier Elevated Sight Spiny Shield4th Level 2nd LevelShape Plants Ambush PreyCLERIC SPELLS 3rd Level1st Level Feathered ReachElevated Sight Globe of Twilight3rd Level SORCERER SPELLSInvoke the Amaranthine Cantrips (o Level)4th Level Gust BarrierShape Plants 1st LevelStellar Bodies Spiny ShieldDRUID SPELLS 4th LevelCantrips (o Level) Stellar BodiesGust Barrier WARLOCK SPELLS1st Level 1st LevelElevated SightSpiny Shield Elevated SightVeil of Dusk Veil of Dusk3rd Level 3rd LevelFeathered Reach Globe of TwilightGlobe of Twilight WIZARD SPELLS4th Level Cantrips (o Level)Shape PlantsStellar Bodies Gust BarrierPALADIN SPELLS 1st Level3rd Level Elevated Sight Spiny ShieldInvoke the Amaranthine 4th Level Stellar Bodies48 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood, The words you are searching are inside this book. you land. You may choose whether the jump uses your Strength or Dexterity score for determining combat, you can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check height or distance, and you double the distance you would against a DC equal to 10 + the targets Dexterity modifier. Thedriving force behind Humblewood as a concept was the desire to create a visually compelling worldthat felt alive, and that meant a world that could feel wonderful and welcoming, magical and myste-rious. Im in big trouble if they ever find me. If you roll initiative and have no uses of Bardic Inspiration remaining, you regain one use of it. Other small rodents with mouse-like proportions,fit. Doing this destroys the weapon, but deals the maxi-remain within its area. You are proficient with tinkers tools.or on-hand materials is known as scroungecraft, and is a Additionally, you have the ability to construct crude butcultural staple among mapachs. Pronghorns generallyvillages are run in accordance with the old cervan teachings, live longer than grove cervans, which is considered a sign ofensuring that work necessary for survival in the most remote Cairiths favor.villages is accomplished, so that all its inhabitants may be kepthealthy and happy. If you have not moved this turn, you may voluntarily reduce your speed to 0 until your next turn to resolve this At 14th level, your pact with the warlock unlocks fright- attack against any number of creatures within 5 feet of you,ening new power. The Wood, as it is known to its inhabi- tants, is not like any other forest. The gods of night are varied, encompassing those powers of your deity to grant yourself truesight within 120 feetwho would use the cover of darkness to protect others from of you for a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom modi-threats, to those who would use the shadows for wrong doings. Another race of birdfolk, Raptors resemble birds such as eagles and hawks, and they have access to the glide ability like all forms of birdfolk. Even today, the While Alderheart has been a beacon of peace and harmony birdfolk who choose to live on the forest floor find themselvesfor many years, the coming of the fires has thrown the region stigmatized, as a life in the canopy is considered proper in bird-into chaos. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want.
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