Remember that Primerica reps have something to gain with whatever they tell you. I thanked the VP for the opportunity and ended the call. The PSF Representatives testimony at the beginning is full of holes. I think not! 100% commission pyramid scheme? Ponzi schemes simply require a cash investment to earn returns. In addition they needed close contacts, many may know as the warm market. Its all recruit, recruit, recruit and eventually a profit will be turned when enough people are in the downline. He clapped me on the shoulder with a hearty see you tomorrow for training! and I watched him climb into his beat-up Honda civic. Kudos, Anthony Pinto, your attitude will make you very successful! With currently over 90,000 representatives, Primerica may have reached that point. Well! So I was going to take my one and only day off this week and go to an interview only to find out that its a scam of some short. I was VERY unhappy in my job and I had been actively looking. Is Primerica a Pyramid Scheme? Here's Why Most People Quit Since it was scripted, I never got a chance to really speak about what my views are and what I look for in a position as well as my strengths. Ive read just about every comment and I am not going after all. How fun. Trust me, there are plenty of people who dont mind asking friends and family to buy something their selling. PERFECT CANDIDATES! I wasnt expecting this friend would come with another person I do not know and have never met. He sat next to me while the guy gave a speech on how much money people were making and talking bad about my job. After, of course, buying into the company and getting my license, etc. I did not like that and that was a red flag. I was also applying for jobs but for some reason I had chose not to go with this company. The bottom line is that Primerica sells legitimate products and services (life insurance and investments), but sells them at inflated prices to generally unsophisticated consumers. Just went to one of these sad displays lst night got dragged in by a friend. The woman who contacted me on Facebook messenger, just asked if I had a financial advisor, and I said yes. They are in fact the Primerica guys, lecturing the invited people to pay them $90 to own a business license and the usual multi-level marketing stuff. When I laughed at her question, she assured me it was because she wanted to know about my credibility, although she failed to explain how where my family lives illuminates anything about my character Clearly, they are looking for people with family/friends to pitch their products to. Its headquarters are located in Duluth, Georgia, and the company offers services across the US, Canada, Guam, and Puerto Rico. The meeting starts after like 30 minutes past I still dont understand what I would be doing so I start asking questions about the company and I was told the company name is Prime America and how there is no website but that the company is one of the biggest companies in the world. There is no selling of opportunity because all we do is find out what peoples dreams and goals are in life (youve got to know what they are first) give them a game plan and tell them to act on it. I was there in the bulding today just asking ppl some jobs & met a young lady going for interview & I ask her if I can follow her to know more about the job & she was nice to me to let me follow her. From that, I just wonder why he wants my wife to get involved on this.. Lol! It was in that meeting yesterdayand only after I mentioned that I had once considered working for Primericathat my agent invited my husband and me to attend this upcoming information event. I got the appointment with out know the many of the company, when I got there the girl asked to fill out a form with what I wanted as my career how much money I wanted to make ect, Everything else followed was muffled. Many new agents are brought into insurance sales through Primerica's recruiting effort. I just got off the phone with some one by the name of Kelly Marie from prime America she was very anxious to have me come in for an interview. He also deceived the new Primerica representative, telling her that he was helping her and teaching her how to recruit people into her downline, only to keep some of the recruits for himself. Sneaky how once she enters my house she runs downstairs and brings a male supposedly her manager. I dont want to be one that consciously rips off or gouges people. Just had an interview todayit stated just as everyone elses with a phone call from a lady stating someone gave me your name and advised me you were looking for work and you have a background in administrative work and customer service she said she wanted me for an office manager position. So happy I dug deeper. I just didnt understand.. when they hired me on they told me that referrals would pour in and we never cold call.. in fact the company prohibits it! complete with fake hearty chuckle. One VP stated he made $21,000 last month. But one thing a lot of people never did was actually get any information from the company about what they actually do and how they actually help people with their finances so people can actually pay off their debt faster than they are projected to, and actually reach their retirement goals. I should have listened to my gut in the beginning. No, the only logical answer is that they somehow benefit from this revolving door. (Unless of course, you count the harassing phone calls and emails I put up with from MLM cult members.). Now of course, I see several red flags in the situation. I would certainly warn anyone who might be roped into this to DO YOUR RESEARCH!! Long Term Care Insurance 5. She gets so defensive when anyone questions her work. Didnt add up. Now comes Primerica. Fortunately, my paralysis didnt last long. Then post your experience good or bad. I am saddened to see this website because the information given is totally inaccurate and people will listen to this guy instead of researching on the GOVERNMENT websites to see that Primerica is an amazing company! When I told him I am no longer interested he kept asking me why and then called me arrogant. I am sick thinking that I signed something that I didnt read, gave her my social security and address. Through this method, a modern pyramid scheme takes form, meaning the next generation of scams and get rich quick schemes are going to move away from cosmetics and protein powders and towards the blockchain. Oh well I showed you the PowerPoint and video?? Identify bulldogs in your contact list and recruit them so you can make money off those go-getters and build a strong downline. It is not a traditional job. Pyramid schemes are illegal businesses. I do work very very hard. In a legitimate insurance agency, there is a general agent with agents under him or her. I told her I was looking for a salary based job opportunity and if she couldnt offer that, then I was cancelling the interview because her job offer didnt fit my current needs or interest. Unfortunately, almost everyone in pyramid schemes lose money. Presumably because the recruiting pool is getting less and less educated. At the end he asked me for my number and said he had a wonderful opportunity for me because he loved my customer service,attentiveness and bubbly personality and he thinks i would be great for his company. I noticed several of the new people in the front row looked very restless, like they just wanted to get out of there. When I started asking for e-mails and more information about the company. Most of the money on the financial products you sell will go to YOU, rather than some pyramid. Just WRONG Disgusted!!! Legitimate companies give you details and job descriptions. Then once the first lady satrted talking all I could see in my head was Wolfe of Wall Street. I feel so used and abused, and the trust is gone! The SEC found that PFS Investments Inc. had failed to have in place effective policies and procedures to follow up adequately on three complaints received about the Dearborn registered representatives, "selling away" activities. Just thought I would share my very recent experience and thank you to the author of this blog for posting this, otherwise I may have been suckered into an interview but then again, I dont typically work or have any experience in the financial industry and tend to stay far away as it is for positions like this or anything to do with insurance etc. And, how come there stock is listed on the NYSE? I express admiration and order another coke and a sandwich. I gave him my phone number and when I asked him for a business card he said he did not have one and went on to talk about how he makes 3-4k a weekyeeeaaaah. Talking on the phone isnt my strong suit so I just kept agreeing to everything and she was very busy but still managed to schedule an interview for later this week. I dont remember exactly what he said to me but I realized Id been lied to and I was so mad that I just walked out. I dont see any suggestion there that newbies may expect six-figure earnings? Will not be going to a sales pitch to get me to go do sales pitches to other saps. No, better not, or John would be angry that I said something wrong. And they didnt really seem to give a sh&* that I was cancelling. Especially because it just didnt seem necessary. If the only business positions are in Georgia, what do they expect people to believe they would be doing where they live? There were 10 or so young men dressed nicely milling around. For only $99 you can be licensed to sell insurance to others with us. This is just like Aimway, they make you sign up and promise you, you will make money fast and easy. Primerica Financial Services Home Mortgages. I was unable to find much of anything online until I got the address for the interview. I like helping people. So me and my friend were at the store when a guy randomly came up to us to talk about his wifes company. He said they need a financial planner. I met with her, and liked what I saw. I emailed Mark back asking if 10 am worked for him. Everyone gets invited to stay for the informational session, and everyone will be strong-armed into signing up as a representative. What should I be doing? Needless to say I didnt invest the time and effort to go back there for the presentation that night. We have 40,000 new clients each month if you joined and didnt work, youre not one of the people who make money with us! Youre good people and will, no doubt, save other people from being duped. I was being complimented on how I dress, my smile and my energy,( Im a naturally energetic person) they make you feel safe and secure while your there , but right away I was put off when they wanted my bank info. This site and article is so retarded. I have an interview on Monday but I will not be going afternoon randomly reading all of these comments. I walked in and saw chairs set up like there was going to be a lecture. The subject turns to travel. I too have been approached by reps from Prime America (while at work at 12:00 am) about this great job opportunity, that I have a great personality, outgoing, would fit right in yada, yada. Primerica Review - Is Primerica A Pyramid Scheme - Scam Or Legit I told them I would have to think about it and let them know but they offered to sponsor me and they paid my $99 fee as well as the $25/month fee for the first month which made me feel less suspicious. They contact the job seekers with an offer of an interview for an opening. They have to recruit their own people. They work as a middle man for various insurance and finance industries and get people to join through advice and supporting main street. The so called reps for Primerica find other reps and potential customers and they get a commission on it. I have followed this blog for quite some time. First off anyone can make a PowerPoint and the video was from fricking YouTube. Here are just some of the things that threw me off, he contacted me on Facebook, very informal. A lot of people like in this blog are used to trading their time for money, going from one job to another. Yes There are 76 helpful reviews 76 No There are 37 unhelpful reviews 37. I experienced nothing like the others that you have told us about. One of them asked out of the blue, how i like my job. MLM jobs are not jobs at all. A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent system of making money based on recruiting an ever-increasing number of "investors." The initial promoters recruit investors, who in turn recruit more investors, and so on. Tameka Bell, How did they make you feel captive? It is not a MLM or they would have been charged and gone the way of most MLM. The interview was about 30-40 minutes long so ill break it down into sections. This is a good money maker for Primerica and the finance industry in general- all on the backs of reps. Primerica is a financial services company that states it's mission is to help underserved communities gain access to top level investment and insurance products.. I totally see it now. I kept my head down and fiddled with my phone, then shuffled some papers in a folder, desperately trying to look busy and important. He also mentioned talking with a number of people at Lowes about how bad the schedule is here as I realized later, he makes the rounds at stores like this, trying to entice unhappy people into a get rich quick scheme. From then he sent us to different people to ask us some questions. This deceptive practices should be reported. Blah blah blah. I didnt want to wright to much, sadly it got away from me. Any company that loses over 220,000 reps/recruits per year (Can/US) either has a recruiting issue, or a job quality issue. He did butter me up, but Im no fool and and the fees were ridiculous, didnt make sense. He texted me his contact info after my ride and I noticed it said Primerica Inc. on it so I googled it to find out just exactly I was getting myself into. I go back into the bar and ask the bartender if a half-blind bartender named Mariah works there.
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